Monday, November 15, 2010

Do I need a Keurig Coffee Maker?

I've seen a few bloggers/tweeters go on and on about how much they love their Keurigs. I tend to see this brand mentioned the most, as opposed to Tassimo or Senseo. Since we received a very nice krups coffee maker for our wedding, I never really considered adding another small electric to our arsenal of appliances. But, my mom called me last night to tell me she had bought herself an early birthday present and was just overjoyed (and most likely, over-caffeinated). She was sipping a freshly brewed cup of coffee from her brand new Keurig and basically told me to run, not walk to my nearest retailer and purchase one immediately. She gave me a 15 minute informercial-style rundown, and it got me wondering, do I need one?

Anyone have one, thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm good debate... :) I've heard they're amazing... But at the same time it only makes one cup at a time, so if you're in a hurry or need some for more than one person you just gotta wait.
    Have you decided yet?
