I've decided I want a themed bridal shower. My favorite theme so far: Alice in Wonderland. How bout Amy in Loverland?
I could definitely go over board on the "___ me" ideas.
Love the interesting bottle used here! Can't you just see all the colorful mixed drinks? Photo: Jessica Claire

Love the interesting bottle used here! Can't you just see all the colorful mixed drinks? Photo: Jessica Claire
I realize that planning your own bridal shower is kind of overstepping, but I can't help but love the ever-popular Alice in Wonderland/Mad Hatter Tea Party theme. It offers endless possibilities of color, imagination and "eat me, drink me, marry me, shower me, gift me" labels. I think embroidered aprons (like the white one Alice wears) would be awesome favors! I know my MOH would be into it, even though we have different styles I know she knows how to work a theme.

Loving this inspiration board from SMP
My inspirations really comes from this made for TV movie. I think it came out around 1985. My mom taped it, and well, I watched it a bazillion times. It was part of my cycle of movies I would watch over and over. Alice, then Annie, Ferris Bueller then Dirty Dancing (yea, I was like 5!) and Top Gun. I loved this Alice version SO much better than the Disney version. I used to make pretend "eat me" cakes and put them in my glass jewelry box that looked just like the one in the movie...
Does anyone else remember this classic? It was a two-part series circa 1985 photo from here
I found these perfect little cakes a long time ago. These were what reminded me of the "eat me" cake from the movie. Little did I know that this theme was extremely popular. The knot even has an article with ideas for a Mad Hatter themed shower. Read about it here.
I'm just loving this idea more and more! My MOH's family has an amazing home right in San Francisco with views of the golden gate and the ocean. It's the perfect party house and since it's right in the city, I would imagine most of my out of town friends and bridal party wouldn't mind coming out for a weekend in the city. I'm getting excited and wishing it wasn't so far away! At least now I have plenty of time to come up with even more cute ideas!
adorable little cakes found here
There are so many possibilities for the invites. I've seen playing cards, a mad-hatter like poem. But I love the wording on these. I'd love to do something more colorful, but loved the detail.
A Mad Hatter Tea Party Invitation from Bird and Banner

There are so many possibilities for the invites. I've seen playing cards, a mad-hatter like poem. But I love the wording on these. I'd love to do something more colorful, but loved the detail.

I love this theme too & will probably do it for my shower as well. So many fun details. I'm getting married in Oct 09 as well.