Friday, September 5, 2008

Moving in the Right Direction

This ad is awesome. Way to play on the emotions slim fast! source

I've been avoiding the scale like mad. My 21-day challenge to jumpstart my dieting efforts lasted about 13 days. And even those days weren't that great. I've gained a substantial amount of weight back since February, when I started to let go of my healthier lifestyle. At that point, I had lost about 53lbs. While it's a very frustrating reality, I'm ready to re-lose the weight I've packed on and start getting down to business.

Overall, I consider myself a pretty healthy eater. I love veggies, love fiber-rich foods and I always drink a ton of water. But for me, it's all about knowing when to say when. I will absent-mindedly eat an entire basket of tortilla chips at a mexican restaurant while waiting for the waiter to take our drink order. I'll clean my plate at those steak places that give you way too much meat and a way too big potato. And if I bake something? Pshh, it will be completely gone in 36 hours.

While I was hot and heavy on my diet from last June to February I was so conscious of my eating. I ate slow, I listened to my body, I thought ahead about what I would and would not eat during a day. I journaled my food, logged on to fit day, went to the gym. I'm so ready to be back in that place. I've already lost 1.5lbs this week! I've been logging on to fitday everyday and am slowly getting back into journaling. The exercising hasn't happened yet-but it's going to. I only fit into half of my jeans and I totally feel uncomfortable---I'm ready! I've been saying that for about 3 months, but this time I feel it. I feel the weight that I've gained and I am remembering how great it felt to be in charge of my own body. I'm ready to lose the other half of this 100lb goal. It's 13mos til our big day (I think-date will be official soon). I have the time to get healthy! I have time to get down to a size where I will feel so strong and beautiful in a bridal gown!


  1. Don't get down on yourself, you can totally do it! I know the feeling, losing weight is hard and can be completely de-moralizing. Try and stay positive, and having lost 45lbs about a year ago, I feel your pain, so feel free to reach out when if you want some help!

  2. I like the phrase "strong and beautiful." That is what I would like to eventually get to someday.

  3. Good for you, girl! Your blog friends will be here to support you all the way :)
